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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Without Justice Without Peace

Without Justice Without Peace

“Them belly-full” versus “we hungry”
Masters versus slaves, since always
The haves versus the have-nots, from the beginning of time
Rich versus Poor since millennia
Religious versus non-believers since the Biblical prophets
The 1% elite versus the other 99%
The west versus the rest
The imperialists versus the third world
The colonizers versus the colonies
Look at the big picture, not out of context

Five hundred years of genocide against Native people
“The White Man’s Burden” to “Civilize the dirty natives”
Four hundred years of transatlantic kidnapping
and slavery of African Americans
The Crusades, phase one, phase two, phase three
World War one, two, three, four
On average America has been at war every year
in the two hundred year history
of military interventions around the world
Xenophobia leads to war overseas
and to civil unrest in the homeland
The biggest purveyors of global violence
Need more guns in the country versus the amount of humans
Mad cowboys can become volatile
Instigated by the racial arsonist-in-chief
Badge carrying “lawmen” can become vigilantes
And perpetrators of violence domestically
The holy police state keeps the matrix rolling
And no one sends cops to jail

The centuries old policy of divide and rule is enforced
To ensure Brown and Black people stay busy
Blaming and fighting each other
While the corrupt stay in power
And foreign corporations steal the resources of the local people
Puppets and dictators are installed and supported
Democratically elected leaders are assassinated
Or overthrown in military coups
Or ousted by economic hitmen
Threatened by 800 military bases in 70 countries
As the news media tells people to go to sleep
While the godfather’s boot on their neck pushes harder
Using a war on drugs
Or a war on terror
Or a war on Communism
Or a war on anyone
Who disagrees with the religion
called the “American way of life”

The tax payer’s dollars are used
To make war around the world
And to oppress the masses domestically
In the most homogenous society in the world
It’s like bread and circus for the romans
To party with beer, football, pets, pills and pornography
The public is told to stay away from politics
Be aloof and claim, “It’s not in my back yard,
I don’t care, screw you, leave me alone!”
Til the police state infiltrates the schools
And the streets

Where White mass shooters are extended a red carpet
And labeled as victims of mental illness
While Black and Brown un-armed citizens
Are killed in cold blood, on live camera
With billions of witnesses
And still the murderers get away
Without a slap on the wrist
When the politicians, lobbyists and CEO’s
Make millions in bribes and bonuses
They conspire to eliminate the middle-class
To kill the American Dream
To make people beg for minimum wages
Anyone who objects, ends up in a private prison
Run by for-profit corporations
Slavery is legal in jail.

Then one day, a pandemic erupts
And there is no war declared on the virus
The Pentagon’s trillion dollar budget
Can’t kill public enemy number one, Covid-19
Not professed as a threat to American security
So in the lockdown, conspiracy theories fester
Every fourth person gets fired from their job
No benefits, no insurance
No savings to pay the monthly bills
With all that pent up anger,
George Floyd’s brutal murder
Becomes a match in the powder barrel
To ignite civil unrest in 50 American cities
When the mob rules
They feel their jobs were vandalized
Justice was looted from them
They were robbed of peace
Their civil rights were violated
Their dignity was stolen
Their sense of security was shattered
So in the blowback
Some poor
Some powerless
Victims of a long-oppressed society
Might cross boundaries
As seen in the media
In the last days of May 2020
Yet “the revolution won’t be televised”