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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Where Have You Brought Me

Where Have You Brought Me
Your heart was a mirage of the holy grail where you brought me
Now six years of marriage is a shady jail where you brought me

To be free to say what I feel against propaganda
Is a 9.9 on the Richter scale where you brought me

I even became a minister just to get your attention Daddy
But in your eyes I always fail where you brought me

Twenty years of citizenship soaked in the melting pot
And still not accepted as an all American male where you brought me

The light's intensity stops me from being just a jerk on the bus
Too many awards have made me stale where you brought me

Non-Muslim women tie a shirt 'round their waist now cover their buns
The nuns are threatened by my sister's veil where you brought me

World Trade Organizations like Enron plunder common folk
CNN's truth is, Fazeel, on auction sale where you brought me 

by Fazeel Azeez Chauhan, 1998