50 More Sects of
“Why do you have to bring
Islam into everything” they whine
I guess they are from the double personality sect of Islam
I guess they are from the double personality sect of Islam
With luxury hotels, malls
and the clock tower, oily royals turned Mecca into a Vegas attraction
Every year ticket prices go up in the disneylandish sect of Islam
Every year ticket prices go up in the disneylandish sect of Islam
Like babies everyone thinks
they're right and don't agree
Arguing, being defensive, and stubborn in the narcissistic sect of Islam
Arguing, being defensive, and stubborn in the narcissistic sect of Islam
Hiding behind a hijab, a
beard, a turban and rituals
Posing and showing off in the superficial sect of Islam
Posing and showing off in the superficial sect of Islam
Leg-pulling, mistrusting,
backbiting and self-serving
Defeated and humiliated in the divided-and-ruled sect of Islam
Defeated and humiliated in the divided-and-ruled sect of Islam
Co-signing the bullshit of
family members even when they are wrong
Blindly loyal to blood ties in the hateful-in-laws sect of Islam
The latest iPhone, Prada, sexy lipstick and German car
Wielding brand name symbols in the fashionable sect of Islam
Blindly loyal to blood ties in the hateful-in-laws sect of Islam
The latest iPhone, Prada, sexy lipstick and German car
Wielding brand name symbols in the fashionable sect of Islam
Strict, oppressive, wrathful,
and opinionated
Pretending to be holy, in the intolerant sect of Islam
Pretending to be holy, in the intolerant sect of Islam
Hating the “non-believers”
and bombing fellow Muslims
Staying a victim and blaming others in the extremist sect of Islam
Staying a victim and blaming others in the extremist sect of Islam
Narrow-minded, intolerant,
jealous, backbiting and vengeful
Looking down upon others in the judgemental sect of Islam
Looking down upon others in the judgemental sect of Islam
by Fazeel Azeez Chauhan