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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Clarifications about the Orphan Society

Clarifications about the Orphan Society

(1) Dear men,
If you'd like to know how to better take care of the women in your lives, including your girlfriend, wife, mother, sister, daughter, co-worker, boss, waitress, etc. etc. you can learn many principles of honorable behavior with women. You can learn how to avoid divorce, especially after having children. You can better prepare for marriage. This training helps you be more successful at work and at home.
We live in a state where it's hard to trust people, and it's easy to judge others and erase them by saying they are in misguided.
Yes, it's important to not have herd mentality, so you don't give away your money and your soul to a guru. Justin Sterling is no guru, and he doesn't want anyone's ass or assets. He is a teacher, kind of similar to Robert Bly.
If you watch the 90 minute PBS documentary with Bill Moyers and Robert Bly "A Gathering of Men"

What’s being discussed is deep and meaningful. We don’t have time to talk bullshit.
If you come from the approach of: "People are full of shit and I will figure it all out on my own", then you are not being teachable.
In that documentary, and in Bly's books like "Iron John" and "Sibling Society"...

... one can easily see that in America we've become a society of spoiled brats, perhaps who need to wake up and grow up.
Bly is a poet. He doesn't need to teach men about their responsibilities toward men. He doesn't need to write books to teach men how to heal themselves, and then be in a better condition to take care of women.
Where can we go to learn that kind of stuff? The kind of life skills which are not even taught in school or college. Sterling and Bly teach you to think. For example, a simple idea from "Iron John"... there are 3 types of men:
1) Savage man: thinks he's free. Has no limits. No boundaries. Is a menace to society.
2) Domesticated man: opposite of savage man in that he has too many limits, restricted in boundaries, like a pet dog or a pet cat. Like a "domesticated" animal.
3) Wild Man: Not a cave man, not a savage man, not a brutal abuser or killer, not a barbarian. But like an animal in the wild, he is a natural man, not a domesticated man. It is his nature to be free. But his freedom and his behavior has limits and boundaries.
A real man, a mature man, is not a boy doing immature things which end up harming others. He knows his duties, roles and responsibilities.
Robert Bly says that in every culture, in every era, there used to be rites of passages... a training to prepare men, to turn boys into men... a journey called initiation into manhood.
The Sterling training is that kind of time tested wisdom, which to me is the initiation into manhood. When prepares men for life. So that we don't have to wing it, so we don't have to shoot in the dark, so it's not guess work, it's not hit or miss based on what our peers say.
Robert Bly states another important idea: 100 years ago, we "killed off" our grandparents (to migrate from Europe to America, we couldn't bring old folks along, on the arduous journey). Now we have "killed off" our parents. We don't use grand parents and parents as references. We don't look up to them. Instead we look sideways, to our peers, to get info from them. Which often is not the time tested wisdom of previous generations, which we could have gotten from elders and mentors. Since we look to the people next to us, we copy our peers, like they are our siblings: Bly's book is titled "The Sibling Society"

by which he means the orphan society.
When you see people acting out on this blog, it might be an indication of that orphan society.
In summary:
The Sterling training gives men clarity and simple principles of wisdom, which are practical. The training helps you be more successful at work and at home.

In the 1990's another training became very popular, which was specifically for Christian men, it is called: The PromiseKeepers, their website states similar ideas:
A new era. Today, men are looking to make a real difference in the world. They desire to live for something greater and deeper. Men are seeking more meaning, belonging, and purpose than any other time in human history. Men are yearning for a more rooted and authentic relationship with God, and to impact their families and communities. This is why we are reigniting the Promise Keepers Movement —this is the new era.

It's another organization teaching men to grow up and own up to their duties, roles and responsibilities.
So that we as men don't be a menace to society and instead make the world safer specially for women and children.

(2) Dear Women:
If you care about a man in your life, you could recommend to him these books:
(a) Iron John by Robert Bly

(b) Real Men Don't Apologize by Jim Belushi (yes, the actor)

Justin Sterling has not written a book for men, and men should not read the book he has written for women:
"What Really Works With Men"
(Solve 95% of your relationship problems and do something about the other 5%).

If you are a woman who is open to learning and growing, this is an excellent book full of wisdom which can enhance your relationship with any man. It can help you better understand men including your father, brother, son, husband, boss, boyfriend, or the random guy who's hitting on you. How do you know if a man is lying?
The answer is easy. And most honest men will tell you the answer
: o )
So I have given this book to my nieces, sisters, co-workers, friends, and women in the counseling field. I also recommended to them to go to the training called the Sterling Women's Weekend.

Specially if your marriage is in trouble, often the issues can be resolved after getting clarity and wisdom, by attending the Sterling training. Sterling's book is a good start.

In summary for men and women:
Do you want to act like a hero, or like a victim?
Do you want to be problem-oriented or solution-oriented?
Being problem-oriented includes, pointing the finger to criticize, put down, or to make wrong or discredit based on pre-conceived notions and assumptions... while providing no alternative programs for learning.
Being solution-oriented means to stay positive, to work out the problems and solve them by learning, by growing, by seeking help, by changing, by acquiring knowledge, experience, mentorship, coaching, counseling and wisdom.
Specially so we can set a better example for our children.

Couple other links added:
A popular series by Mark Gungor is "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage", is a fun way to learn about how to have better relationships:

You can also refer to a playlist of these and other related videos I compiled:

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Life is Good, But Why Not My Mood?

Life is Good, But Why Not My Mood?

My son’s a doctor, but I’m still unhappy
My daughter’s a pilot, but I’m still unhappy
My wife loves me, but I’m still unhappy
My grandpa left me his house, but I’m still unhappy
My passport is American, but I’m still unhappy
My insurance paid for my surgery, but I’m still unhappy
My father’s a Haji, but I’m still unhappy
My backyard has a mango tree, but I’m still unhappy
My parents didn’t get divorced, but I’m still unhappy
My accident didn’t cripple me, but I’m still unhappy
My house is not flooded, but I’m still unhappy
My grandparents fled Kashmir and saved us, but I’m still unhappy
My lungs are breathing, but I’m still unhappy
My wall is full of degrees, but I’m still unhappy
My neighborhood doesn’t have wild fires, but I’m still unhappy
My tap has running water, but I’m still unhappy
My friends are caring, but I’m still unhappy
My cousin survived the earthquake, but I’m still unhappy
My heart is beating, but I’m still unhappy
My classmate came back alive from war, but I’m still unhappy
My bank account has millions, but I’m still unhappy
My leaders got independence for Pakistan, but I’m still unhappy
My electricity is always on, but I’m still unhappy
My relatives are supportive, but I’m still unhappy
My God didn’t abandon me, but I’m still unhappy
My pain is under control, but I’m still unhappy
My streets are clean, but I’m still unhappy
My mother’s a saint, but I’m still unhappy
My body is free from chains, but I’m still unhappy
My counselor deals wisdom, but I’m still unhappy
My food is hot, but I’m still unhappy
My vacations are amazing, but I’m still unhappy
My job is a Blessing, but I’m still unhappy
My blood tests are normal, but I’m still unhappy
My community is helpful, but I’m still unhappy
My toolbox is full, but I’m still unhappy
My home doesn’t have a gun, but I’m still unhappy
My mentor is nurturing, but I’m still unhappy
My head is full of knowledge, but I’m still unhappy
My bed is not on the street, but I’m still unhappy
My company is successful, but I’m still unhappy
My vegetables are organic, but I’m still unhappy
My family is self-sufficient, but I’m still unhappy
My holy book is in my hands, but I’m still unhappy
My car takes me on adventures, but I’m still unhappy
My mind is free, but I’m still unhappy
My disease didn’t kill me, but I’m still unhappy
My teachers are living examples, but I’m still unhappy
My air conditioner is cool, but I’m still unhappy
My living room is full of books
My heart is caring, but I’m still unhappy
My boss isn’t a slave-master, but I’m still unhappy
My social circle is beneficial, but I’m still unhappy
My weekends are off, but I’m still unhappy
My salary is not $2 per day like half the world, but I’m still unhappy
My heater keeps us warm, but I’m still unhappy
My stomach is full, but I’m still unhappy
My kids are joyful, but I’m still unhappy
My health is good, but I’m still unhappy
My soul is still in my body, but I’m still unhappy
My sky isn’t falling, but I’m still unhappy

(by Fazeel Azeez Chauhan 8-7-19)

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Tolerance Lows

Tolerance Lows

Our president openly inciting violence against non-whites, we tolerate
Our family facetiously being cruel to in-laws, we tolerate
Our clergy consistently molesting children, we tolerate
Our healthcare costs causing millions of bankruptcies, we tolerate
Our minds looping, by default playing old tapes, we tolerate
Our military proudly invading and killing civilians, we tolerate
Our marketing companies forcing their fashions down our throats, we tolerate
Our people asleep, enabling the status quo, we tolerate
Our police unlawfully killing Black folks, we tolerate
Our friends not building alliances with other minorities, we tolerate
Our Congress blindly spending billions on endless wars, we tolerate
Our spouses divorcing and getting pets to not be lonely, we tolerate
Our TV media’s 24 / 7 American propaganda, we tolerate
Our Republican politicians serving the top 1% elite, we tolerate
Our fellow citizens pointing machine guns at our temples, we tolerate
Our babies whining, being spoiled brats, we tolerate
Our taxes stolen to pay for warfare instead of free healthcare, we tolerate
Our Muslim rulers enslaving nations to foreign powers, we tolerate
Our news channels selling ads instead of giving education, we tolerate
Our corporations exploiting our insecurities to make us consumers, we tolerate
Our kids carrying billions in student loans, we tolerate
Our genetically modified foods giving us cancer, we tolerate
Our radio stations saying crap songs are bestselling hits, we tolerate
Our parents dis-owned and rotting in nursing homes, we tolerate
Our leaders enriching themselves and not representing the public, we tolerate
Our sugary drinks manifesting our diabetes, we tolerate
Our folks’ paranoid biases against other groups, we tolerate
Our legalized medicines turning us into junkies, we tolerate
Our selves being alienated and isolated without support, we tolerate
Our fats and fast foods causing our obesity, we tolerate
Our demons assuming the worst in other people, we tolerate
Our country bullying the world like a godfather, we tolerate
Our loved ones leaving and dying, we tolerate
Our nation aloof, ensuring that business as usual perpetuates, we tolerate
Our direction lost and life purpose remaining unknown, we tolerate

By Fazeel Azeez Chauhan

Friday, June 7, 2019

Another 50 Sects of Islam

50 More Sects of Islam

“Why do you have to bring Islam into everything” they whine
I guess they are from the double personality sect of Islam

With luxury hotels, malls and the clock tower, oily royals turned Mecca into a Vegas attraction
Every year ticket prices go up in the disneylandish sect of Islam

Like babies everyone thinks they're right and don't agree
Arguing, being defensive, and stubborn in the narcissistic sect of Islam

Hiding behind a hijab, a beard, a turban and rituals
Posing and showing off in the superficial sect of Islam

Leg-pulling, mistrusting, backbiting and self-serving
Defeated and humiliated in the divided-and-ruled sect of Islam

Co-signing the bullshit of family members even when they are wrong
Blindly loyal to blood ties in the hateful-in-laws sect of Islam

The latest iPhone, Prada, sexy lipstick and German car
Wielding brand name symbols in the fashionable sect of Islam

Strict, oppressive, wrathful, and opinionated
Pretending to be holy, in the intolerant sect of Islam

Hating the “non-believers” and bombing fellow Muslims
Staying a victim and blaming others in the extremist sect of Islam

Narrow-minded, intolerant, jealous, backbiting and vengeful
Looking down upon others in the judgemental sect of Islam

by Fazeel Azeez Chauhan

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Needed / Not / What is

Needed   /   Not   /   What is

Cop feels like force is needed
Soldier brags killing is needed
Ruler flaunts controlling is needed
Bartender supposes alcoholics are needed
Warmonger exclaims sanctions are needed
Banker shows debt is needed
Lifeguard surmises drowning is needed
Politician rejoices breakdowns are needed
Doctor begs disease is needed
Parent prays dependents are needed
Butcher contends slaughter is needed
Preacher professes his intercession is needed
Surgeon bets injury is needed
Celebrity touts his spotlight is needed
Lawyer reckons conflicts are needed
Photographer proclaims image effects are needed
Super power schemes coups are needed
Artist imagines audience is needed
Fireman proves fires are needed
Princess pretends maids are needed
Football lover conceives violence is needed
Spy argues assassinations are needed
Religion portrays hell is needed
Weapon seller brandishes bogeyman is needed
Dentist knows bad teeth are needed
Beautician insinuates ugliness is needed
Imperialist glorifies war is needed
Spouse advertises love is needed
Paramedic figures emergencies are needed
The paranoid avow enemies are needed
Cleaner presumes dirt is needed
Judge alleges guilt is needed
Warden realizes prisoners are needed
Insurance agent deems loss is needed
Economic hitman extols overthrows are needed
Performer perceives show is needed
Architect considers emptiness is needed
Graveyard reveals dead bodies are needed
Movie hero enshrines villains are needed
Pharmacist ponders illness is needed
Non-vegetarian surmises butchering is needed
Plumber envisions leads are needed
Magician implies illusions are needed
Secretary recognizes bosses are needed
Leader convinces followers are needed
Janitor contemplates excrement is needed
Liar affirms fools are needed
Global godfather shouts 6 billion slaves are needed
Therapist reminisces stress is needed
Priest claims sins are needed
White-supremacist projects minorities are needed
The haves announce the have-nots are needed
Humans submit death is needed

                                                                                     by Fazeel Azeez Chauhan 5-28-19