Necromantic Suicidal Vengeance
Lonely, heartbroken without the love of a woman
Abandon your religion and be gay, don’t be a suicide bomber
Traumatized, because they bombed your family to pieces
Give first aid to victims of violence, don’t be a suicide bomber
Tortured, water boarded at foreign secret jails
Go on hunger strike at the U.S. Embassy, don’t be a suicide bomber
Marginalized, bullied and being called a loser
Sell your organs in India or Mexico, don’t be a suicide bomber
Angry, because you got no job or higher purpose
Smoke weed, or take a chill pill, don’t be a suicide bomber
Horny, hearing heavenly stories about kamikazes for virgins
Steal cash to enjoy brothels for weeks, don’t be a suicide bomber
Abandoned, by family and friends, gangs and cults
Choose to belong to a 12-step program, don’t be a suicide bomber
Poor, without hope, feeling like a slave to empire
Like half the world, survive on $2 a day, don’t be a suicide bomber
Mad, at enemies who incite civil wars and shatter your nation
Vengeful, wanna-be vigilante, to go blindly execute innocent bystanders
Can’t buy a ticket to peace in paradise, don’t be a suicide bomber
Lost, without refuge, forced to migrate away from home
Get counseling on the emergency hotline, don’t be a suicide bomber
Hateful, toward the people in power, of other religions and sects
An eye for an eye leaves us all blind, don’t be a suicide bomber
(by Fazeel Azeez Chauhan
December 20, 2016)
December 20, 2016)