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Thursday, November 20, 2014

lokol and globol kowboyz

(a litany of trigger happy gun users and “conquerors”)


lokol and globol kowboyz

I shewt
stay awey
mighty fense
you vermin
its myne
keep aut
don’t nock
you lost
no home
moov on
you ded
the end

Monday, November 17, 2014

A Father Would Give an Arm or a Leg


A Father Would Give an Arm or a Leg

As in America, the severest punishment is doled out
to those who can’t afford a good lawyer
Dictators stick their noses further up in the air
Around the maligned world, every year
Sentencing a couple dozen poor people
To get their hands chopped off as punishment
For petty theft, but not for corporate crimes
Not for looting millions of home owners
Through faulty loans or inflated gas prices.
Fux news recently reported that some family values preaching
War mongering humanitarian conservative religious
Lawmakers in western countries have now passed laws
To provide political asylum
To the foreigners who had gotten their hands cut.
So to get out of poverty
Millions of poor people have become petty thieves
Turned themselves in, and asked to get a hand chopped off
So they can some day migrate to the West
And make more than two dollars a day
To feed their families back home

by Fazeel Azeez Chauhan,